Look at what’s before you: the chest of the Covenant. Think of it- the Master of the entire earth is crossing the Jordan as you watch.
And there they stood, those priests carrying the chest of the covenant stood firmly planted on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan while all Israel crossed on dry ground.
Ch 4
Joshua set up the 12 stones taken from the middle of the Jordan that marked the place where the priests who carried the chest of the covenant stood.
“Yes, God your God, dried up the Jordan waters for you until you had crossed, Just as God, your God, did at the Red Sea, which had dried up before us until we had crossed, This was so that everybody on earth would recognize how strong God’s rescuing hand is and so that you would hold God to solemn reverence always.
As we enter into the promises that God has for us we must remember that God is going before us.
It is interesting that both the entering and the exiting of the wilderness are marked by a parting of waters.
This tells me two things:
· There is no going back
· It takes God himself to open the way.
As I face the life in the promised land, there may be times where I look back at what I have gone through and be tempted to live there again. The truth is I can’t! My heart had been changed. I see with different eyes and although I may find myself in the same proximity of my past, I can no longer live there.
God himself had gone before me, moving heaven and earth to rescue me from captivity, and free me from the pain that captivity brought.
As I enter into this new life, I too must have reminders in my life. Something to remind me who I am, where God is taking me and the miraculous journey to get here.