
Welcome to my spot! Here is just a place to share... most times it will be what I am currently journaling, while others with be a question that I need to get past bouncing around my head..

Either way you are more than welcome to comment, question, suggest or stir anything that causes you to be inspired.

My life is Rich, and it is a joy to share my heart with you and an honor to touch a life in the process.

So again Welcome!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

To begin again

After over a year of silence, I begin again. Not with fresh wisdom or new found resolution, but because I need to! I awoke in the middle of the night last night with a longing to find you again. A longing to share, to search, to walk down this path filled most days with so much fog I can do nothing except what is directly in front of me.

Since my last post there have been many events unfolding... some that have caused me to question, some that has caused me to seek and some that has caused me to walk away. I will not at this time go into the details, but will instead leave it with, I am not the person I once was.

The quest of the past year has been painful, but necessary to say the least. I have found out many things about myself.... For example I not only have lost more than 50 lbs, but have run 3 5k's... I am physically stronger and healthier than I have been in quite some time. I am also lacking in so much more than I have in quite some time.

So it is full circle that I come... seeking, walking, and exploring whatever is ahead.... Where it will take me, I have no idea, but I have no choice but to place one foot in front of the other and walk on.

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