
Welcome to my spot! Here is just a place to share... most times it will be what I am currently journaling, while others with be a question that I need to get past bouncing around my head..

Either way you are more than welcome to comment, question, suggest or stir anything that causes you to be inspired.

My life is Rich, and it is a joy to share my heart with you and an honor to touch a life in the process.

So again Welcome!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

What is love worth?

A very sad thing has happened this week. My son called to tell us that his wife cheated on him.
I was outraged to say the least. How could she?! I knew that they were having problems, my son and I talked several times about things. I was hoping and praying that it was going to all work out, that it was a time of adjustment and like all new marriages they would become stronger through the struggle…. But it didn’t. She chose a cheap and easy lie. WHAT SHE DID WAS WRONG!

I began to wonder. What is it that makes a person choose to hurt the one that they have proclaimed to love? The thought of doing this to my husband is so inconceivable to me. I love this man with every breath I take and the thought of throwing it away for anything is beyond my comprehension.

Then comes the all too familiar whisper to my heart… What about our love? My quick response is none different than that of Peter’s when he learned that He would betray Jesus. Not me Lord! I would die first! (Tammy paraphrased) But the truth is I do it every day…
I choose a minute of self gratification… of selfishness… of momentary plastic thrill over true love.

In my devotion time today, God continues to urge me to “be holy as He is holy” This isn’t some nose in the air type of false holiness. But I am learning today that it is more of a yearning from him than a command. Could he be saying The only way we can be together is if you make the daily choices to be close to me. To let go of the self gratification that is false and fleeting and choose to love me enough to work through our relationship instead of around it?

I am learning that we have to choose for ourselves what Love is worth. Will we endure and fight to make it work as my son tried so desperately to do? Will we lay down what it is that we want to bring about what is right for the relationship? ….Or will we sell it all for 20 minutes of cheap self gratification? The choice is our alone to make.

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