
Welcome to my spot! Here is just a place to share... most times it will be what I am currently journaling, while others with be a question that I need to get past bouncing around my head..

Either way you are more than welcome to comment, question, suggest or stir anything that causes you to be inspired.

My life is Rich, and it is a joy to share my heart with you and an honor to touch a life in the process.

So again Welcome!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Learning the Battle plan

I am learning so much from you... Things that although they are simple (sometimes duh moments) they are sweet.

Things like how to battle my enemy. The importance of speaking out loud because he can’t read my mind. (like I said duh moments) It doesn’t have to be loud and full of drama, just stepping into the authority that you have given me and stating it!

Or Praying a blessing over my children... I sometimes think now that they are grown that they are out of my control, but as their Mother, I have been given the opportunity to pray blessing into their lives at any age!

Then comes today when you speak to me about a couple of things... Like being my provider ... you give me the story of Moses and how you brought back the baby to his mother when she thought he was gone forever. Or like David in the Psalms where he writes that you have blessed him and will never abandon him..... You also talked to me about making agreements with the whispers of my enemy. You have helped me to realize that just because things don’t go as I have planned that doesn’t mean that I have failed in some way. It has nothing to do with me measuring up. Condemnation is from my enemy and I need to break that agreement.

When this is done, I will then be free to hear the answer to my question... Who do you say that I am?

My heart is open Lord, I am listening....

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